Episode 20: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: The Future of U.S.-Cuba Policy

Guest: Ambassador Charles Shapiro  Obama era Cuba policy rollbacks had begun to thaw relations with the island nation when the Trump Administration reversed some but not all of the re-opening to Cuba. Now with the mysterious health attacks against U.S. diplomats and the expulsion of Cuban diplomats from the U.S., tensions are escalating between the…

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Episode 19: Six Years Later: An Exploration into the Syrian Civil War

Guest: Faysal Itani  Faysal Itani, Resident Senior Fellow, Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East at the Atlantic Council,  joined CCWA for our first Foreign Policy Forum of the Fall 2017 season. After six years of armed conflict, 11 million refugees and internally displaced persons and almost 500,000 casualties in Syria, Itani explored what is…

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Episode 18: Britain, Brexit, and the U.S.

Guest: Ambassador Charles Ries  The United Kingdom is grappling with its vote to leave the European Union, the world’s most powerful international economic and political union. Ambassador Charles Ries, Vice President, International at the RAND Corporation, joined CCWA to discuss the future and stability of the European Union and the status of the vital transatlantic…

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Episode 16: Mexico: A Strategic Ally of the United States

Guest: Ambassador Earl Anthony Wayne Ambassador Wayne joined CCWA to discussed the strategic importance of the United States’ relations with Mexico. Wayne served as U.S. Ambassador to Mexico from 2011 to 2015, where he focused on promoting U.S. commercial interests and growing trade between the two nations. In addition, Wayne was Ambassador to Argentina from…

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Episode 15: Spotlight on Turkey

Guest: Dr. Sinan Ciddi Sinan Ciddi is a Visiting Assistant Professor at Georgetown University, serves as the Executive Director of the Institute of Turkish Studies at Georgetown and is an expert on Turkish domestic politics and foreign policy. Ciddi explored the current political atmosphere in Turkey following the attempted coup in July 2016 and Turkey’s relations with…

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Episode 13: U.S. Cyber Security and Intelligence

Guest: Jennifer Sims Jennifer Sims is a consultant on intelligence and homeland security for private corporations and the U.S. government, a member of the Senior Advisory Group to the Director of National Intelligence, as well as Senior Fellow with the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. Sims explored the complex world of U.S. cyber security, intelligence…

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Episode 14: Global Impact Award 2016

Guest: Secretary James A. Baker III The 2016 Global Impact Award honored former Secretary of State James A. Baker, III for his decades of work in international relations and his dedication to global dialogue. Secretary Baker was our Brooks Emeny Distinguished Speaker and the recipient of the Global Impact Award.

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Episode 10: Jennifer Clinton

  Guest: Jennifer Clinton, President Global Ties, U.S. Jennifer Clinton joined us to discuss Citizen Diplomacy and the role of exchanges in building diplomacy and democracy. Clinton is the President of Global Ties U.S. and has devoted her career to the fields of international education and business because of a deep passion for bridging cultures, people, and…

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