Episode 38: One Life Documentary and the Worldwide Plight of Refugees
CCWA moderated a conversation on the global refugee crisis with Akshay Shah, Producer of the One Life documentary, Patrick Kearns, Executive Director of Refugee Response, and Paul Frankmann, current teacher and former Humanitarian Law Trainer with the American Red Cross. Their perspectives highlighted the plight of refugees and the challenges for the International Community in…
Read MoreEpisode 37: Africa: Facts, Fiction, and Reality. Why Does It Matter to the U.S.?
Guest: Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Senior Counselor at Albright Stonebridge Group, joined us in February for an overview of economic growth, democratic trends, and new opportunity in Africa. Why does Africa matter for the United States? And where will the U.S.-Africa relationship be in the future?
Read MoreEpisode 36: Trade, Politics, and the Global Economic Outlook in 2020
Guest: Dr. Marcus Noland Dr. Marcus Noland, Executive Vice President and Director of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, joined us in January for an overview of U.S. trade policy and an economic outlook for 2020. Dr. Noland shared his views on trade policy and trade agreements, and global economic challenges that the international community…
Read MoreEpisode 35: The Global Impact Award 2019
Guest: Dr. Richard Haass The 2019 Global Impact Award honored Dr. Richard Haass, President of the Council on Foreign Relations, for his distinguished career as one of the most knowledgeable observers of international affairs in America. Dr. Haass received CCWA’s Global Impact Award and delivered the Brooks Emeny Distinguished Lecture. The Global Impact Award from…
Read MoreEpisode 34: The U.S.-South Korea Alliance: Addressing North Korea and a Changing World
Guest: Ambassador Kathleen Stephens Ambassador Kathleen Stephens, former U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Korea, and current President and CEO of the Korea Economic Institute of America, opened the Cleveland Council on World Affairs’ Foreign Policy Forum season for 2019-2020. Ambassador Stephens discussed the dynamic alliance between the United States and South Korea and the…
Read MoreEpisode 33: The United States and Japan: A Celebration of Cultural and Economic Ties
On June 6, 2019, the Cleveland Council on World Affairs was pleased to present a panel discussion on the current relationship between the U.S. and Japan, in collaboration with the Honorary Consul of Japan in Cleveland and with support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. This panel was hosted at the Cleveland Museum…
Read MoreEpisode 32: Redefining National Security: Preparing for Future Foreign Policy Challenges
Guests: Ambassador Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley, former U.S. Ambassador to Malta (2012-2016) Ambassador Bonnie Jenkins, Founder and President of Women of Color Advancing Peace, Security, and Conflict Transformation (WCAPS) Sanam Naraghi-Anderlini, Founder and Executive Director of International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN) Three panelists joined the Cleveland Council on World Affairs for a Foreign Policy Forum on…
Read MoreEpisode 31: Brexit, Transatlantic Relations, and the Future of NATO
Guest: Cathryn Cluver Ashbrook Cathryn Cluver Ashbrook, Executive Director of the Future of Diplomacy Project and the Project on Europe and the Transatlantic Relationship at the Harvard Kennedy School, joined the Cleveland Council on World Affairs for a Foreign Policy Forum in March of 2019. Cathryn spoke about Brexit and the future of the European…
Read MoreEpisode 30: The Consequences of an America First Foreign Policy
Guest: Dr. James Lindsay Dr. James Lindsay, Senior Vice President at the Council on Foreign Relations, joined the Cleveland Council on World Affairs for a Foreign Policy Forum to address changes in United States foreign policy in the last decade. Through a moderated discussion, Dr. Lindsay spoke about economic shifts within the United States, domestic…
Read MoreEpisode 29: Securing the Future in a Changing Middle East with Ambassador Ryan Crocker
Guest: Ambassador Ryan Crocker Ambassador Ryan Crocker, a distinguished diplomat whose career spanned four presidencies, discussed regional changes in the Middle East and the future of leadership in the Middle East. Discussion also touched on current conflicts in the region, including in Yemen and Syria. Throughout Q&A, Ambassador Crocker addressed the United States’ role in…
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