Episode 21: The Myth of China’s Might- And What It Means for America

Guest: Jeremy R. Haft

Jeremy R. Haft, a 20 year veteran of the China market, adjunct professor at Georgetown University, and CEO of SafeSource Trading, an export trading firm, discussed the rise of China and its true economic might. With U.S. security concerns in Asia influenced by China’s economic power, Haft addressed whether or not China is truly a rising global economic powerhouse.

Haft argued that out of date economic metrics may not have kept pace with globalization which led to a misunderstanding of the U.S.’s strength and competitiveness compared to China. In turn, this has justified policies that have the opposite of their intended effect. Haft also contended that the U.S. is $60 trillion wealthier than China, and the gap is growing, not shrinking, as China stagnates.


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